The threats facing the contemporary society faces are constantly changing and evolving. There are several factors that contribute to these changes:


1. Technological progress: The rapid development of technology has created new opportunities, for example cybercrime has become a growing threat, with hackers stealing sensitive information or crippling systems. In addition, social media and online platforms have also led to new forms of abuse and disinformation.


2. Globalization: The world has become increasingly interconnected through global trade, travel and communications. This has led to an increase in cross-border threats, such as terrorism, organized crime and pandemics.


3. Climate Change: The changes in climate also affect the threats we face. Extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts and storms, can lead to greater risks for society, such as damage to infrastructure, food shortages and mass migration.


4. Social and political unrest: Social and political conflicts can also contribute to the changing threats. Social inequality, political instability and radicalization can lead to violence, terrorism and other forms of destabilization.


It is important to recognize that threats continue to evolve and that continued efforts are needed to address them effectively. This requires a combination of preventive measures, collaboration between different stakeholders and promoting resilience within society. Crisis management is an essential part of business management that focuses on identifying, preventing and effectively responding to emergencies and crisis situations that could disrupt normal business operations. It involves developing strategies, plans and procedures to assess, manage and minimize potential risks.


CeBeReN is a company specialized in crisis management and offers services to help organizations prepare for, respond to and recover from various types of crises. This can range from natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods to human disasters such as fire, cyber attacks or even reputational damage. The goal of crisis management is to minimize the impact of a crisis on the business through proactive measures. This includes identifying potential risks. CeBeReN is also specialized in incident response and focuses on responding quickly and effectively to unexpected events or incidents that can disrupt normal business operations. Incidents can range from minor problems to larger emergencies, such as technical failures, safety incidents, accidents or other unforeseen situations. Our goal is to ensure that an adequate response plan is in place and that trained professionals are available to act quickly when an incident occurs. This includes identifying potential risks and implementing preventive measures to minimize these risks. In consultation with the company, we can offer tailor-made on-site training for the employees involved in the field of crisis management and the development of protocols and procedures to limit the impact of incidents. We work together with T²-DOC bv to develop these protocols and procedures, which means we can produce the following for your company: Technical manuals at user and maintenance level, inspection work cards, flow charts, detailed list of an equipment package, maintenance cards, electronic technical manual, training and learning materials, study books, wall plates, handouts, of course in the corporate identity of your company. Besides photos and illustrations, 3D animation speaks more than 1000 words. We can also offer this for support. T2-DOC bv produces documentation for defense, industry, mechanical engineering and maritime.